Our Mission

Robin’s Hope is a trauma focused program that empowers individuals to thrive through a safe, peer-run community that provides connection, inspires hope, and promotes resilience.

Our Vision

Togetherness transforms trauma into thriving.

Guiding Principles

Genuine Human Relationships

Robin’s Hope is founded on our ‘humanness’ and the importance of forming genuine connections with other human beings. This means that individuals participating in our services will be encouraged to form connections with each other as they develop naturally, and to use these connections as an opportunity to build or strengthen their natural support systems.

We will respect each other’s physical, sexual, and personal boundaries. This means that everyone has the right to determine when they are going to be available, when they do or do not want to be hugged or touched in any way, and what sorts of relationships they wish to engage in with others using Robin’s Hope services. Imperfection in relationships is an expectation. The presence of these values does not mean that all interactions will be perfect or fully embody all values at all times. Rather, imperfection will be expected, and – when bumps occur – we will work to see it as an opportunity for growth rather than a failure of the center and/or relationship.

Self-Determination & Personal Strength

Robin’s Hope will not preach any one way of healing and will make space for people to define their own paths to ‘recovery.’ This means that Robin’s Hope will offer education and information on a variety of perspectives, options, and resources, but that people will always hold the power to determine their own goals, and to define for themselves the meaning of the word ‘recovery’ as it applies to their own lives.

Each individual will be treated as capable of setting boundaries/guidelines for themselves. Hence, Robin’s Hope will avoid setting too many ‘rules’ and micromanaging situations and relationships because we believe in each individual’s strength and wisdom to make their own choices, express likes and dislikes, and identify needs without the overuse of rules and guidelines to dictate that process.


Every individual has a unique blend of experiences and strengths that aid in their healing journeys. At Robin’s Hope, we utilize a diverse range of roles in our services but value each individual’s input equally. It is assumed that all individuals who become a part of Robin’s Hope for support will also give support to another at some point and that each individual will not only approach Robin’s Hope with the attitude of what they can get but also what they can give.

Robin’s Hope is a place where peers and clinicians work together. We value the peer support approach and we encourage peer support within our program. Our values are rooted in utilizing the strengths and resources of all to benefit moving forward. Clinicians and students join in this value system to offer additional skills and tools to encourage healing. We are all on equal ground and we are all attaining the goal of living a lasting and fulfilling life.

We are all leaders at Robin’s Hope. This does not mean that each person must necessarily take turns facilitating meetings, organizing campaigns, or being the point person for a given activity. What it means is that as each of us empowers ourselves to move, question, change, act and be hopeful we thereby (intentionally or not) inspire others at the center and in our community to do the same – by doing so we become agents of change all around us.


Robin’s Hope believes that recovery is a process of healing for all individuals. This means that all individuals will be welcomed to be a part of the program and treated with the belief that they have the power and ability to achieve their hopes and dreams.

Robin’s Hope will show compassion to those who are struggling. This means that our organization recognizes that all individuals have ups and downs, and moments when they may ‘relapse’ or need to step away, but that we will reach out to them in times of need and always welcome them back with open arms and without judgment.

Healing Environments

Individuals within Robin’s Hope will respect each other’s privacy. This includes holding confidentiality around information shared within Robin’s Hope spaces and supporting one another to define how and when information can be shared in a respectful manner and in a way that builds community and connection.

Robin’s Hope strives to create physically and emotionally safe spaces. Some examples of this may be walking someone to their car when it is dark if they have stated they feel unsafe and being aware of body tone, body language, and actions as they impact others. We believe that everyone must have autonomy and safety to voice their needs. We ask that every individual voice their needs as they arise so that we can problem-solve solutions together.

Robin’s Hope is Trauma-Informed. We are walking side by side facing life together sharing tools and resources that may be helpful in promoting healing, hope, and resilience. We do not believe in asking what is wrong with you, but instead what has happened to you striving to get to know, learn, and grow from one another.

Robin’s Hope is a drug and alcohol-free environment. This means avoiding smelling of alcohol or drugs or being visibly intoxicated or high, or bringing alcohol, drugs, or drug paraphernalia into Robin’s Hope spaces and/or activities.

Robin’s Hope uses non-violent conflict resolution. It is anticipated that when conflict arises, people will address the conflict directly with one another whenever possible. It is also anticipated that this will occur without the use of yelling, gossiping, or physical aggression and that individuals, in general, will be open to talking through conflicts with one another.


Above all else, Robin’s Hope expects each individual to treat others as they would wish to be treated. This means treating ourselves, each other, and each other’s belongings with respect, compassion, and kindness at all times.

Robin’s Hope aspires to use the most inclusive and respectful language at all times. Everyone will be encouraged to use open, person-first, strengths-based language and to avoid using one-word labels when referring to others in the recovery community.

Robin’s Hope encourages showing gratitude and appreciation for all at the center. Individuals are encouraged to go out of their way whenever possible to thank others for their contributions, including those with whom they might not always get along.

Robin’s Hope will respect all differences of opinions, beliefs, culture, appearances, and ways of life. This means treating everyone with dignity, respect, and as a valued individual, as well as encouraging learning, openness, and conversations about different beliefs and cultures. We will not ostracize or put down any individual based on ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, size or other aspects of appearance, religious beliefs, and so on.

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